List Building Strategies - Part 3

Paid customer list + Credibility = Success 

Whatever method you choose to employ, the bottom line is that what you need the very most in order to get a profitable Joint Venture deal is a long paid customer list and some credibility. There are no substitutes for either. 
Make no mistake here. Credibility is equally important to a paid customer list. Credibility is achieved by becoming a recognized authority in a niche. The paid customer list adds greatly to your credibility but you need to work hard at building credibility by writing and marketing articles, posting to blogs and forums, etc. Building credibility on the Internet isn‟t easy and it takes some time. There aren‟t any shortcuts. 
With a paid customer list and credibility you will then be in a position to leverage the best and most profitable Joint Venture partnership agreements that are possible. Always remember that adding to your paid customer list is one of the factors that you want to insure when you enter into any Joint Venture agreement. 
Now, armed with a paid customer list and credibility, your next move is to find ways to make your potential Joint Venture partners willing, even eager, to help you. Contrary to what appears to be common sense, your best Joint Venture partners are those who, up to this point, you have considered your main competitors. 
No, I’m not kidding. These are the Internet marketers who are most closely associated with your customer base. The names and email addresses on their lists are the ones that you want on your list. 
Let‟s say that you sell „whatsits‟... you and several other marketers are in the „whatsits‟ selling business. If you can come up with a product that will make selling „whatsits‟ easier or explain how customers can get the best use out of a „whatsit‟ then you can approach your most fierce competitors and turn them into your most valuable Joint Venture partners. They will eagerly assist you in promoting your new „whatsit enabler‟ product... for a commission, of course. 
A product that will make people feel better, look better or solve a problem for them is a product that potential Joint Venture partners will embrace and then they will be eager to help you sell it. 
Additionally, you must always offer generous commissions and ample support to all of your Joint Venture partners. This is never a place to cut corners or get greedy and you credibility is always on the line. 

If you have made a name for yourself in your niche (gained credibility) and you 
have a product that Joint Venture partners know will make them look good to their 
lists (even your most fierce competitors), there is no limit to the help they will be 
willing to provide for you as a Joint Venture partner! 

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